September is the start of the 4th quarter, hiring authorities are back from vacation and are planning new programs and hiring new staff for the upcoming new year.

Now is the time to polish and forward your resume, ensuring that your career marketing documents are stellar. It is important to have good key words and branding words, mission statements and savvy writing to help you appear as marketable as possible to the new employer.

Also remember to update your profile and resume on Linkedin or other employment sites.
These are excellent resources and many employers use these online resources to search for prospects that are most suitable for the career positions available.

If you would like help with your resume or feel you could benefit with some career counseling, please contact Bev or Mitch Baskin through

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.
– George Bernard Shaw