Job Search Tips

Job Search Tips

Here are some excellent tips for finding a job from those who are just starting out and to experienced candidates: 1. BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT: This way you can tell other people that information and form a great pitch. Know yourself and what you want in a job. 2....

Volunteer Work helps with Job Search and Job Exploration

Volunteering is one of the most natural forms of networking when you are exploring job opportunities. When a person volunteers in a cause they really like, they will be with like minded people who will enjoy their company and their work style, and will enlighten...

Welcome to the Baskin Blog Site

Career Counseling Services for individual and Corporate Clients Outplacement and Career Coaching – Serving New Jersey (NJ) and Nationwide Welcome to our new blog. Please enjoy reading the following tips, articles, news and more. If you would like more detailed...

Final Comments on Career Marketing and this Series

This is the final segment of the series, Working with a Career Counselor. Over the past few months you have learned many new skills. One last point: From our experiences with many clients just like you, we have found that our clients operate most effectively with...

Career Pathing – Because You Need a Plan!

This is the sixth segment of our series of working with a career counselor. In the last article we talked about making some educated choices, so now it is time do some planning. You have worked with your counselor regarding your needs, interests, personality, and...

Setting Goals with Your Career Counselor

In the last segment we discussed what to expect when you meet your career counselor and how she or he is well versed in helping you help yourself toward a rewarding and fulfilling life. In order to do this, though, you and your counselor must first set some goals. A...